
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

The Bumper Sticker That Changed a Life

There has been a story flying around the blogs about the lady who was fired from her job for having a Kerry/Edwards bumper sticker on her car. The owner of her company was a George Bush fan and wanted Lynne Gobbel to remove the bumper sticker. She told him that he couldn't tell her how to vote and subsequently was fired minutes later, this happened on September 9th.

The incident was reported in a local paper and then picked up by a blog, The Daily Kos. From there it was linked by other blogs and newspapers started to repeat the story.

Meanwhile the woman's boss was getting a litle tired of the bad publicity he was starting to get for discriminating against an employee for a simple political view expressed on a bumper sticker, he offered the woman her job back.

She was trying to get some type of assurance from her boss that she wouldn't be fired later before agreeing to come back to work. Somewhere along the way John Kerry heard about the woman, probably from campaign aides. He called the woman and offered her a new job, working for him.

As Gobbel explained the Kerry conversation, "He'd read the part where Phil (her boss) said I could either work for him or work for John Kerry. He said, 'you let him know you're working for me as of today.' I was just so shocked." This happened on September 14th.

How quickly life changed for this woman over a simple campaign bumper sticker. In five days she went from one job to another, from one boss who hated the sticker to one who loved it. Hopefully after the election win or lose Kerry will find a place for her to have a job.

More of the story...


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